Paediatric Chiropractic at Mt Eliza Chiropractic

Whilst the experienced team of professionals at Mt Eliza Chiropractic offer safe, gentle and effective chiropractic care for people of all ages, some members of our team are specialists in the area of paediatric chiropractic. A Paediatric chiropractor Mt Eliza delivers chiropractic care to children based on the principle that children should not be treated as adults as they are unique individuals undergoing the process of human development.

Mt Eliza Chiropractic is proud to offer the services of two specialist paediatric chiropractors, Dr Glenn Maginess and Dr Jemima Holt. Dr Glenn Maginess is considered an expert in the field of paediatric chiropractic, being one of only a small number of chiropractors to have completed a Masters Degree in Chiropractic Paediatric. Additionally,

Dr Maginess is a much sought after speaker and lecturer both nationally and internationally. He regularly receives referrals from paediatricians, medical doctors, obstetricians, maternal health nurses, and midwives, all of whom recognise his training and over twenty years of expertise in the field. Dr Jemima Holt also has extensive training in paediatric chiropractic, and offers paediatric neurological developmental assessment and management. Dr Jemima focuses her Chiropractor Frankston practice on family health, particularly paediatrics and women’s health, and places great importance on the importance of chiropractic care throughout pregnancy, for newborns, and for growing children.

The neurological developmental screening offered at Mt Eliza Chiropractic includes assessment of gross motor development, neuromaturation, retained primitive reflexes, estimation of intellectual age, temporal, sensory and cerebellar exam, as well as cranial and neurological examination. These tests help to determine which parts of a child’s brain are functioning at the expected level for their age and which are not, and assist in the identification of appropriate treatment modalities. At all times when providing chiropractic care to babies and children, clinical parameters are observed in order to ensure that referrals to other health professionals are made as appropriate.

Mt Eliza Family Chiropractic Clinic is located at 155 Mt Eliza Way. Contact us today on (03) 9787 6999 to arrange an appointment to discuss how your child may benefit from chiropractic care.

Podiatry – The Branch of Medicine Focused on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Disorders of the Foot and Ankle

Podiatry is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and medical prevention of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity. In addition to providing care for the general public, podiatrists can diagnose and treat certain injuries. Listed below are some common conditions addressed by podiatrists. Learn more about these conditions and learn how to treat them yourself. Identifying and treating foot problems is a primary function of a podiatrist.


Podiatric doctors can diagnose and treat foot and ankle ailments. They can also prescribe medications for patients who suffer from heel pain or foot discoloration. During the first visit, a podiatrist will examine the feet and ask about your medical history. He will also check the way you walk and ask questions about any recent surgeries you may have had. Ingrown toenails, heel pain, and lower back pain are common conditions treated by a podiatrist.

Podiatric practitioners are trained at accredited institutions in Australia. Nine schools are officially accredited by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA). The educational requirements include learning about the anatomy of the foot and lower leg and learning about the foot’s anatomy. A podiatrist must also register with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA). In the United States, a podiatrist must have a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine or an equivalent qualification. After completing the schooling, a podiatrist needs to undergo regular continuing education.

In the U.S., a podiatrist is a specialist in the medical care of foot and ankle conditions. A doctor in the field specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of problems in the lower extremity. A podiatrist has a special education in all areas of the body, including the eye, ears, and teeth. They can even prescribe appropriate shoes for the patient. They can treat serious foot and ankle disorders by analyzing their symptoms.

A podiatrist is a medical doctor who practices in hospitals and can treat Plantar Fasciitis Wayville, Plantar Fasciitis Hazelwood Park, Plantar Fasciitis Parkside & Plantar Fasciitis Broadview. They are trained to diagnose and treat all types of foot problems, and they work with other health care providers to keep people healthy. Many Podiatrists also work with pediatricians, anesthesiologists, and surgeons to treat common foot and ankle injuries. In addition to providing treatment for common foot and ankle conditions, a podiatrist is also trained to prescribe medications to treat diseases and infection of the feet.

A podiatrist specializes in treating foot and ankle problems. They can diagnose and treat a wide variety of conditions and prescribe the right treatment. If you suffer from diabetes, a podiatrist can prescribe the right medication for your condition. A physician specializing in this specialty can also prescribe orthotics to help patients with their foot and ankle problems. A good way to avoid foot pain is to consult your podiatrist.

How Long Does Achilles Tendonitis Take to Heal?

The recovery time for Achilles tendonitis is variable. While most cases will clear up within a few months after conservative treatment, some may require surgical procedures or specialist care. You will need to consult your doctor about the length of time you should wait to resume normal activity after an injury. Here are some general guidelines for recovering from Achilles tendonitis: You should avoid doing activities that aggravate your condition, such as running or jumping. Instead, switch to low-impact activities, such as yoga, walking, and cross-training exercises.

Surgical repair may be required if conservative treatment is ineffective. Children’s heel pain Eastwood surgery is an outpatient procedure that is typically followed by a few weeks of walking boot or cast. Physical therapy is usually recommended after surgery. Most people don’t require surgical treatment for this condition. However, if the condition continues to deteriorate, your doctor may recommend surgery. This type of procedure involves repairing the torn tendon and regaining the functional strength of the Achilles.

If the tendon rupture is a result of severe injury or trauma, surgery may be required. Surgical repair involves sewing the torn ends of the tendon together with another tendon or using a tendon graft. The patient will likely be placed in a walking boot or cast for a few weeks. After the procedure, the patient can return to normal activities. Healing takes six to twelve months to complete, and recurrence is rare.

Physical therapy, such as massage therapy, can also be effective in reducing the swelling. Physiotherapists or Achilles tendonitis Eastwood can deliver some of these treatments. Some treatments are only available in specialist centres or in research trials. For some cases, surgical repair of the Achilles tendon is necessary. If your condition is untreated, it may lead to an Achilles rupture. If left untreated, it can lead to a rupture of the tendon.

A ruptured Achilles tendon can be repaired with surgical repair. During a nonsurgical treatment, the tendon is immobilized and iced. After a ruptured Achilles tendon, you should avoid climbing stairs and walking barefoot. You should also avoid sprains and strains of the Achilles. While this injury is not fatal, it should be treated correctly.

The recovery time of Achilles tendonitis varies. It may take several weeks or even several months. Sometimes, an immobilization cast is required for several weeks. Further treatment is usually provided by physiotherapists. If you’re suffering from Achilles tendonitis, make sure you follow your doctor’s advice. Your doctor will guide you through the entire healing process.

What Are the Common Causes of Knee Pain?

Knee pain Adelaide is a very common complaint which affects many people of all ages. Knee pain can be caused by an injury, like a torn cartilage or a ruptured ligament. There are many treatments available to treat knee pain, including medication and physical therapy. In some cases, surgery may be required to repair a knee joint. In addition, knee braces and physical therapy can also help to relieve pain associated with knee joints.

It is difficult to identify the exact cause of knee pain because it can occur for a wide variety of reasons. In some cases, it can be due to injuries to the ligaments and tendons. Other times, there may not be any obvious injuries to the ligaments and muscles in the knee. There are even some cases where a person’s knee pain is caused by achilles tendinitis Adelaide

In order to determine the cause of your knee pain, you will need to consult a medical professional. Your provider will perform a thorough examination of your body and review your medical history. He may also perform an x-ray of your knee to determine the extent of the damage.

Your healthcare provider may recommend that you visit an orthopedic specialist, a doctor who treats conditions other than knee pain, for a consultation. During this visit, the specialist will perform a physical exam, review your symptoms, and evaluate your condition. If you have undergone orthopedic treatment in the past, your provider will be able to tell if your symptoms are caused by injuries to your knee. If there are times when you also feel pain in your foot, have it mentioned to your plantar fasciitis Eastwood specialist before your physical exam.

The most common cause of knee pain is an acute knee injury. Sometimes, this is caused by a traumatic event (such as a fall), or it may take place as the result of repetitive stress on the knees over time. Repetitive stress can lead to a variety of conditions, including osteoarthritis, or a disease that affects the connective tissues between the bones and the joint. Osteoarthritis is not usually associated with a physical event; however, it can develop in people who are constantly exposed to repetitive stress, such as those who run on pavement, or athletes who train on their knees for long periods of time.

Other causes of knee pain can include bacterial infections, viral infections, allergic reactions, and auto-immune disorders. If the symptoms do not disappear quickly after seeing a healthcare provider, you should seek a second opinion. Knee surgery is one option, but many people are hesitant to undergo invasive procedures, especially when there are no symptoms initially. However, symptoms of osteoarthritis can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, which can make going about your normal daily activities difficult.

The Local Chiropractic Specialists

As the needs of patients increased, a variety of other services were added to reflect the diverse requirements of clients throughout its practice area. Patients can now schedule appointments with a local brunswick chiropractor for the treatment of injuries and rehabilitation of chronic illnesses and surgical interventions.

The clinic provides a hands-on diagnostic and treatment approach coupled with the latest technological advances. Depending upon the needs of the patient, therapies can be used individually or in combination with other methods such as orthotics to create the best outcome for patients. Chiropractic techniques encompass mobilisation and manual manipulation, therapeutic massage and myotherapy for alleviating pain, maintaining mobility and injury prevention.

Patients have access to the specialized, flowing movements of clinical Pilates to build core and pelvic floor strength. It’s effective for improving balance, preventing falls and enhancing sports performance. Prescription exercise programs are beneficial for treating muscle atrophy, strengthening the back, treating sports injuries, and rehabilitation. All treatments are customized to the patient and their individual needs.

Chiropractor preston is a core allied health treatment. It helps maintain range of motion and mobility, aids in rehabilitation and is especially helpful for patients who have developed scar tissue. Massage is utilized around the globe by world-class athletes to improve sports performance. Therapeutic massage increases circulation, helps eliminate toxins, stimulates the immune system and works with the body’s own healing abilities.

The practice utilizes dry needling at our chiropractor clinic to relieve tension and inflammation, promote regeneration and accelerate the healing process. Hydrotherapy employs water to buoy patients and support them while they perform movements that might not otherwise be possible. It relieves pain and stress on joints, and is a valuable tool for facilitating rehabilitation and addressing chronic illnesses.

The clinic offers chiropractor to treat conditions, injuries and deformities of the foot, along with infections and the effects of chronic disease. The practice’s osteopathic services provide the means to diagnose, treat and manage all types of medical conditions.

A registered dietician provides nutrition information and assists patients who require special diets. The practice’s speech pathologist specializes in assisting children with speech related problems that affect communication, academic performance and social development.

Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

plantar fasciitis treatment sydney

Since your feet work as a foundation for your body, therefore, it can become very discomforting for you if something happens to them. No matter which age group you belong to, if for some reason you’re experiencing some kind of pain in your feet (especially the bottom side), you must know that you can always have them checked and go with the plantar fasciitis treatment. This type of issue usually occurs in people that are physically active or have put on a lot of weight.

Whatever the case is with you, you should never ignore the problem and should always avoid depending on home remedies. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind regarding plantar fasciitis.

Possible causes for pain

If you’ve recently spent a busy day roaming around your office or home for multiple hours, there is a good chance that you might feel a slight soreness in your heels. Besides that, if you’re a runner or an athlete, then this kind of pain is quite common with people like you. If you’ve been wearing high heels or other kinds of shoes that don’t fit your properly, there is a huge possibly of suffering from plantar fasciitis. The constant strain and tightness of the feet will at some time cause the heel to swell and start aching resulting in a heavy degree of discomfort for you. If the heel pain doesn’t go away by itself, it is always good to consult a doctor and get an MRI and an x ray if needed.

Widely known symptoms

The main symptom of plantar fasciitis Sydney is a stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot near the heel. As you begin to take steps, the pain worsens. The area that is aching, usually swells and turns red. If you don’t address this issue on time, you might begin to suffer from hip or back problems. If you’ve just finished your workout and have suddenly started to experience excruciating pain in your heel or the middle part of your feet, you might be having a plantar fasciitis issue. Since our everyday life requires us to walk and do all kinds of chores on a daily basis therefore, you need to consult a doctor if the pain begins to worsen.

How is the problem diagnosed

The doctor will possibly check for tenderness in your foot by making you flex your foot. The doctor will also try to locate the exact point of pain. The health of your nerves will be examined by checking your muscle tone, coordination, sense of touch, reflexes and balance. In some cases, the doctor might recommend you to have an MRI and an x ray in order to be sure about the cause of pain. Sometimes the cause of the pain can also be due to a stress fracture or a pinched nerve.

What can you do

Before consulting a doctor, you can always try using ice or mixing up your workout regime. It is highly advised to refrain from using ointments without prescription. If the pain worsens with time, there is a possibility that you need a plantar fasciitis treatment.

Advantages of Professional Teeth Whitening

Having уоur teeth whitened саn have a hugely роѕіtіvе effect оn уоur оvеrаll appearance аnd іndееd a knосk-оn еffесt tо your ѕеlf-еѕtееm.
Dаzzlіng white tееth look hеаlthу, ѕtrоng and fаbulоuѕ, but also ѕuggеѕt that уоu take gооd care оf yourself, which is nесеѕѕаrу fоr buѕіnеѕѕ аnd formal оссаѕіоnѕ durіng which you need tо lооk рrоfеѕѕіоnаl аnd wеll-grооmеd.

Wіth thе іdеа оf tееth whitening gaining in рорulаrіtу, many реорlе аrе turnіng tо hоmе kіtѕ, whісh саn offer a cheaper аnd mоrе соnvеnіеnt ѕоlutіоn. Hоwеvеr, thеrе іѕ a rіѕk to tаkіng on ѕuсh a сhеmісаl bаѕеd trеаtmеnt аlоnе at hоmе аnd thе bеnеfіtѕ gаіnеd bу opting fоr a Bulleen Dentist teeth-whitening service іѕ ѕіgnіfісаnt and рlеntіful.


Melbourne Teeth Whitening

1. Tаіlоrеd Service
Evеrуоnе’ѕ tееth аrе different; therefore, rеѕultѕ wіll vаrу whеn uѕіng home whitening treatments that аrе сurrеntlу on thе mаrkеt. By vіѕіtіng a dеntіѕt fоr рrоfеѕѕіоnаl tееth whitening, уоu are not rеlуіng оn thе rеѕultѕ оf a gеnеrіс product, whісh hаѕ bееn designed fоr thе mаѕѕеѕ. Instead, your dеntіѕt wіll be аblе tо provide уоu wіth a tаіlоrеd аnd personalized ѕеrvісе based оn уоur оwn tееth and сіrсumѕtаnсеѕ. Thіѕ bеѕроkе service tаkеѕ into account аnу past оr рrеѕеnt оrаl hеаlth іѕѕuеѕ, аѕ wеll аѕ specific rеԛuіrеmеntѕ аnd еxресtаtіоnѕ.

2. Fаѕt аnd Effесtіvе Trеаtmеnt
Hоmе based kіtѕ, which include special trеаtmеntѕ, strips, gеlѕ, rinses and mоuth guаrd trауѕ can bе hіt оr miss regarding the effectiveness оf their whіtеnіng prowess. It іѕ соmmоn tо рау out a ѕіgnіfісаnt amount for these DIY kіtѕ only fоr the rеѕultѕ tо bе ѕubtlе аt bеѕt. Some оf them such аѕ іѕ typically the саѕе with tооthраѕtе rеԛuіrе еxtеnѕіvе uѕе bеfоrе nоtісіng any kіnd of effect at аll. Wіth рrоfеѕѕіоnаl teeth whitening, on thе оthеr hаnd, you аrе guаrаntееd еxсеllеnt rеѕultѕ wіth noticeable сhаngеѕ іn tееth соlоr.

3. Full Orаl-Hеаlth Chесk-Uр
Thrоugh vіѕіtіng a dental clinic Doncaster fоr your whitening trеаtmеnt уоu саn take advantage of a full-сhесk uр at thе ѕаmе time. It’s nоt аlwауѕ possible to ѕее оr fееl рrоblеmѕ dеvеlоріng in thе gums оr tо the tooth еnаmеl but a dеntіѕt wіll ԛuісklу be able to іnfоrm уоu оf аnу роtеntіаllу trоublеѕоmе іѕѕuеѕ.

4. Prоfеѕѕіоnаl Application
Onе оf thе main іѕѕuеѕ wіth DIY whіtеnіng kits is the роtеntіаl for uѕеr error. Eасh tуре of kіt, аѕ well аѕ each іndіvіduаl brand hаѕ its own unіԛuе ѕеt оf instructions аnd mаkіng a mіѕtаkе or nоt fоllоwіng the guіdеlіnеѕ accurately саn rеѕult іn lеѕѕ thаn desirable rеѕultѕ іnсludіng аn unеvеn finish thаt may include раіn оr dіѕсоmfоrt. Bу tаkіng advantage оf a professional service уоur dentists in Eltham will bе аblе tо identify the best trеаtmеnt fоr you, taking into account ѕеnѕіtіvе spots оr рrоblеm аrеаѕ, іn оrdеr to ensure the bеѕt роѕѕіblе rеѕultѕ.

5. Deep Stain Rеmоvаl
Deep аnd ѕtubbоrn ѕtаіnѕ are not gоіng tо bе fullу removed bу DIY kіtѕ, but thе professional treatments іnсludіng lіght аnd lаѕеr whitening tесhnіԛuеѕ will hаvе a muсh greater аnd еаѕіlу nоtісеаblе еffесt.

Practice Web Design is Skilled in the use of SEO for Medical Sites

practice-website-logoPractice Medical Web Design & SEO Services Melbourne is a worldwide destination for medical practices that need a new website or require the updating of an existing site. Practice Website Design offers multiple packages and options to accommodate clinicians launching a new practice and practitioners with established businesses.

One of the company’s most highly sought services is search engine optimisation (SEO) Melbourne. The company employs a variety of SEO methods, techniques, and strategies that increase client visibility and help them rank higher in search engine results. Some of the methods include:

• Keywords – Identifying specific keywords and word combinations that potential patients will most likely use when conducting a search guides search engines to websites.

• Content – Articles and blogs are used to support keywords. The firm provides original, professionally written content and incorporates material submitted by clients.

• Email Marketing Campaigns – Implementing targeted email campaigns to engage both current and potential patients, disseminating valuable content, updates, and offers, thus amplifying the clinic’s outreach efforts as part of effective physiotherapy marketing strategies.

Physiotherapy website design Meta Data – This is comprised of HTML tags that tell search engines what a page is about. They work like a title to define the page.

• Site Map – These provide search engines with a map as to how pages are laid out and interconnected.

• Search Verticals – These are comprised of images, videos, mobile options, slideshows, and similar features that may be included on a website. They relate back to keywords and content.

• Social Media – The integration of social media allows clinicians to connect with a diverse pool of individuals, drive traffic to the website, and help establish the clinic as a source of quality information.

SEO for physiotherapists is an essential and effective means of marketing for any practice that wants to grow. A clinic’s website is often the first opportunity practitioners will have to introduce people to the professionals and services at the facility. A facet of SEO is creating a user-friendly website that’s easy to read and navigate and provides the critical information for which people are searching.

Creating a winning combination of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for Physiotherapists techniques requires specialized knowledge, experience, and a superior level of expertise. Practice Web Design has a long history of providing high-quality websites to those in the medical community and a reputation for getting practices online quickly.

Looking for a Physiotherapist?


With so many options it can be a challenge to choose a physio Mt Gravatt. For reliable professionals with extensive experience you may want to visit a top physio clinic. Right in the heart of the city, our team offers a variety of services in 30 minute sessions that are all designed to give the patient maximum care and attention.


Manual therapy is usually used to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability. This hands-on technique commonly involves kneading of the muscles, joint mobilization and joint manipulation. Manual therapy is commonly divided in to three categories: massages, manipulation and mobilization.

A massage is basically repetitive rubbing or kneading of the myofascial tissues to improve circulation. Manipulation is the science of applying sheer and rotational force on joints. It is often associated with “popping” sounds. These sounds are created by bursting gas bubbles that form in the joint cavitations. Mobilization is much gentler and is the clinical equivalent of stretching. Joints and myofascial (soft tissue) are stretched to improve bio-mechanical elasticity. Our team offers the following manual therapy options:

  • Mobilisation
  • Naturopathy near Mansfield
  • Manipulation
  • Naturopath Mount Gravatt
  • Remedial Massage
  • Stretching
  • Acupuncture Mount Gravatt
  • Trigger Points Therapy
  • Myofascial Release
  • Muscle Re-education

Dry needling involves inserting a filiform needle (used for acupuncture) or a hollow hypodermic needle into the skin and muscle directly onto a “trigger point”. There are two ways to treat trigger points. One involves inserting a local anesthetic onto the trigger point and the other involves mechanical, and therefore “dry”, pressure. Trigger points contain “contraction knots” that contribute to the production and maintenance of the pain cycle. Although the mechanisms are not well studied and certain, dry needling seems to alleviate pain by treating trigger points.


Electrotherapy refers to the use of increase energy to assist the body’s natural healing response and pain reduction. The energy used may be electrical, sound, magnetic, light and temperature. This type of therapy has short short-term benefits and will provide the greatest benefit when it is used as an adjunct of an already existing physiotherapy program. This is to say that electrotherapy is not a solution in itself but rather it reduces pain and inflammation to allow the patient to continue with his physiotherapy program. Our clinic uses ultrasound to relieve pain and swelling.


Physio Carindale rehabilitation aims to restore a patient’s functional independence so that they may be fully integrated into the work, activities and lifestyle that they are used to. The goal is to help a patient to be able to live life with very little to no physical assistance, whether at home, work or leisure. In rehabilitation it is also the physiotherapist’s responsibility to focus on the patient’s own goals to improve any disability and encourage the patient along until the goal is achieved. Our physio Mansfield team has quite the repertoire for rehabilitation:

  • Muscle Strengthening
  • Conditioning Programs
  • Stretching Programs
  • Core Training
  • Pilates Classes
  • Balance Retraining
  • Pliometrics
  • Fitball
  • Post-surgical Strengthening