Services Offered At Melbourne Podiatrist


There has been recent increase in the demand for clinics that offer podiatrist Sandringham, fortunately for those who live nearby, has one of the best practices in town. To provide a run through here are the services that Podiatrist Melbourne’s Sandringham clinic has to offer.


Sports Podiatry melbourne is primarily concerned in two areas: foot and lower limb overuse injuries and mechanical performance enhancement. The podiatrists at Melbourne Podiatrist are trained to assess the way you move to check and look out for potential problems. Correcting these biomechanical problems could reduce the risk of injury markedly. In the case of overuse injuries, the problem is often caused by a combination of over exertion and imbalance due to bad biomechanical form. The podiatrist will determine the cause of the imbalance and recommend a suitable therapeutic program.


A child learning how to walk receives important sensory messages from his feet. Shoes, especially ones with hard soles may interfere with your child’s development especially in his coordination, posture and balance. If you are concerned about your children having flat feet, feet that turn either inwards or outwards it is important to note that most of these issues will resolve themselves as the child grows older. If that is not the case with your child you may want to seek the consult of a podiatrist.


Orthotics, sometimes referred to as orthoses, are medical devices that are put inside your shoe to correct some problems you may have with your feet. Their work is mainly to support the arches of your feet, which in turn will correct any biomechanical problem such as pronation or supination. Most high end orthotics are custom fitted to tailor to your feet. This is important as everybody’s feet are different and a customized pair of orthotics would do a better job at correcting your issues. However for those who are looking for value for their money pre-fabricated orthoses that can be adjusted are also available. To get the soundest advice regarding orthotics it is best to consult a podiatrist.

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A series of acoustic waves is applied onto any injured part of the body. The acoustic waves then stimulate a healing response from your body. Radial Extra Corporeal Shockwave Therapy (RSWT) has been found to increase blood circulation in the targeted area as well as increased metabolism and blood vessel development. This in turn improves the speed of healing by stimulating cell development. Shockwave therapy has been found to be equally effective in podiatric injuries and you should head over to Melbourne Podiatrist to try it.


Ingrown nails, especially recurring ones, are such a pain to deal with. At Melbourne Podiatrist you can avoid getting painful ingrown toe nails by either having your nails trimmed correctly or getting corrective nail surgery. Podiatrists at Melbourne Podiatrist can trim your toe nails on a regular basis so as to avoid the development of toe nails. However, if you have noticed that the ingrown nails keeps recurring despite regular trimming maybe it’s time to undergo corrective nail surgery. Corrective nail surgery shapes the toe nail in a way that prevents ingrown nails and destroys the base of the offending area of the nail.


If you are suffering from painful heels you may be suffering from plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis happens when stress and damage causes the ligament running from your heel to the ball of your foot to be inflamed and painful. The leading cause of plantar fasciitis is pronation. The abnormal rolling in at the ankle causes stress to the ligament. The symptoms may be exacerbated by wearing poor quality shoes and being overweight. To treat the condition, a podiatrist will assess the cause of your heel pain and build a treatment program around that.

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Video gait analysis allows your podiatrist to assess the soundness of your biomechanics. This is done by assessing your movements such as walking, running and jogging through video. After the assessment an appropriate treatment plan will be drafted for you if the analysis identifies anomalies.

For more information you may look up the Melbourne Podiatrist website.


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