Paediatric Chiropractic at Mt Eliza Chiropractic

Whilst the experienced team of professionals at Mt Eliza Chiropractic offer safe, gentle and effective chiropractic care for people of all ages, some members of our team are specialists in the area of paediatric chiropractic. A Paediatric chiropractor Mt Eliza delivers chiropractic care to children based on the principle that children should not be treated as adults as they are unique individuals undergoing the process of human development.

Mt Eliza Chiropractic is proud to offer the services of two specialist paediatric chiropractors, Dr Glenn Maginess and Dr Jemima Holt. Dr Glenn Maginess is considered an expert in the field of paediatric chiropractic, being one of only a small number of chiropractors to have completed a Masters Degree in Chiropractic Paediatric. Additionally,

Dr Maginess is a much sought after speaker and lecturer both nationally and internationally. He regularly receives referrals from paediatricians, medical doctors, obstetricians, maternal health nurses, and midwives, all of whom recognise his training and over twenty years of expertise in the field. Dr Jemima Holt also has extensive training in paediatric chiropractic, and offers paediatric neurological developmental assessment and management. Dr Jemima focuses her Chiropractor Frankston practice on family health, particularly paediatrics and women’s health, and places great importance on the importance of chiropractic care throughout pregnancy, for newborns, and for growing children.

The neurological developmental screening offered at Mt Eliza Chiropractic includes assessment of gross motor development, neuromaturation, retained primitive reflexes, estimation of intellectual age, temporal, sensory and cerebellar exam, as well as cranial and neurological examination. These tests help to determine which parts of a child’s brain are functioning at the expected level for their age and which are not, and assist in the identification of appropriate treatment modalities. At all times when providing chiropractic care to babies and children, clinical parameters are observed in order to ensure that referrals to other health professionals are made as appropriate.

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Mt Eliza Family Chiropractic Clinic is located at 155 Mt Eliza Way. Contact us today on (03) 9787 6999 to arrange an appointment to discuss how your child may benefit from chiropractic care.